Delta Oxy PlusL.A
products, Antibiotics
Composition :
Each 1 ml DELTA OXY PLUS L.A. contains :
Oxytetracycline base : 300 mg .
Flunixin base: 20 mg .
Indications :
DELTA-OXY PLUS L.A. is used in cattle for treatment of :
1. Listeriosis .
2. Acute inflammation associated with respiratory diseases .
3. Anaplasmosis .
4. Prophylaxis of East coast fever .
5. Bovine pneumonia .
6. Leptospirosis .
7. Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis .
8. Prevention of Babesia divergens infection .
9. Heart water disease .
Dosage and route of administration :
- Cattle : 1 ml DELTA-OXY PLUS L.A. /10 kg b. wt., I/M and repeat after 6 days .
Package :
30, 50 and 100 ml.
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